The Best books of Supply Chain Management & Logistics

Supply Chain Management strategy planning and operation" by "Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, and D.V. Kalra". In NITIE (the mecca of supply chain) this book is considered as Bible of supply chain and really helps to understand the concept of the supply chain, strategy framework, planning and operational decisions within Supply chain. Best books of Supply Chain Management & Logistics Essentials of Supply Chain Management by Michael H. Hugos Logistics and Supply Chain Management by Martin Christopher Designing and Managing the Supply Chain by David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky and Edith Simchi-Levi Purchasing and Supply Chain Management by Robert Monczka, Robert Handfield, Larry Giunipero and James Patterson Logistics Management and Strategy: Competing through the Supply Chainby Alan Harrison and Remko Van Hoek Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management by F. Robert Jacobs, William Berry, D. C...