Do you RUMBA?

R = Reasonable U = Understandable M = Measurable B = Believable A = Achievable A mind-jogging acronym, RUMBA, is used in Six Sigma to support you assess the suitability of any specification: Reasonable: Is the specification based on an accurate assessment of the customer’s actual requests? Does the specification relate directly to the performance of the characteristic? Understandable: Is the specification clearly stated and defined so that there can be no argument about its interpretation? Measurable: Can you measure the characteristic’s performance against the specification? If not, there will be a lot of debate between you and your customer as to whether the specification has been met or not. Believable: Have you bought into the specification setting? Can you and your co-worker peers strive to meet the specification? Attainable or achievable: Can the level and range of the specification be reached? Very often, an improvement p...