The 14 Principles Of The Toyota Way

Toyota has based its efficient and effective production system on 14 management principles as described in The Toyota Way book by Jeffrey K Liker. The 2 pillars of their lean system which support the principles of the Toyota Way are:- Continuous Improvement – challenge everything (create an atmosphere of continuous learning) Respect for people –engage employees by promoting active participation in improving their everyday job The 14 Lean Management Principles are: Principle 1 –Base your management decisions on long term philosophy, even at the expense of short term financial goals. Principle 2 –Create continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface. (Just In Time) Principle 3 –Use pull systems to avoid ‘overproduction’. Principle 4 –Level out the workload. (Eliminate waiting) Principle 5 –Build a culture of ‘stopping to fix problems’ to get quality right. (Eliminate rework) Principle6 –Standardized tasks are the foundation for continuou...